Your helper in everyday life, essential when traveling and abroad. Whether you’re on the road or at home, the cards in the ISIC app allow you to save money in all situations. They are your virtual student ID and your access to worldwide discounts. Which card suits you?

Frau hält Smartphone mit ihrer ISIC in die Kamera.


1 year after issuance


18 € (optional +5 € for plastic card)

ISIC app

After issuance ISIC card, IYTC and ITIC are usable in the ISIC app.

ISIC - International Student Identity Card

The internationally recognized ID for students, pupils and trainees. With the ISIC card, you can prove your status worldwide, as well as enjoy all the student discounts and benefits of student life.

ITIC - International Teacher Identity Card

Teachers should not miss out either. With the ITIC, the international card for teachers and lecturers, they also gain access to many (inter)national discounts that are worthwhile.

IYTC - International Youth Travel Card

You are not a student, pupil or trainee? For all young people up to and including 30 years of age, the IYTC is the useful companion for on the road and at home. Get it to save wherever you can.

Personalisierte Debitkarte Student ID der Erste Bank Sparkasse

Student account of Erste Bank and Sparkasse

You can use the StudentID debit card to pay online and offline. It is also your worldwide valid ISIC student ID card. Open your free student account online or in a Erste Bank and Sparkasse branch and receive your ISIC card for free with your new account!

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