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<p>If you like riddles, puzzles and outdoor activities you will experience a thrilling day with myCityHunt! myCityHunt offers you a new kind of city rally where you can rediscover a city of your choice with friends. With the help of your smartphone, the city becomes your playground. All you have to do is to enter your ticket code in the browser-based WebApp, which works on all modern smartphones and tablets, and you're ready to go. Your smartphone will then guide you through GPS tracking along the Riddle Rally to numerous places of interest in the city. Once arrived, you have to answer a tricky question about the place you are currently in to get points for the right solution. In addition, all registered players will receive special assignments via SMS during the rally. If you have completed all the tasks after about 3 hours, you can check the homepage of myCityHunt for the ranking of your group.</p>

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23% Discount on all tickets

<p>As an ISIC, ITIC, or IYTC cardholder, you will get 23% off the regular admission fee, redeemable for all tickets, which reduces the ticket price to € 9.99 (instead of € 12.99).*</p> <p>Tickets are available for more than 30 German cities. Just verify your card number to get your voucher code and easily redeem it at the ticket shop of myCityHunt afterwards.</p> <p>*This offer cannot be combined with other promotions or actions.</p>


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